jueves, agosto 21, 2008

"According to Max Weber, what distinguishes modern times is loss of belief, disenchantment. Benjamin has a different angle: that capitalism has put people to sleep, that they will wake up from their collective enchantment only when they are made to understand what has happened to them. The inscripton to convolute N comes from Marx: The reform of conciousness consists solely in... the awakening of the world from its dream about itself"
(Walter Benjamin. Inner Workings, J.M. Coetzee.)

2 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo11:20 p. m.

    Desde Bruselas, acabo de entrar en tu perfil y no puedo creer que, ademas de gustarte The naked City y mi adorado Angel Gonzalez tambien te guste garcia Marquez.
    Si te sirve de algo, mi direccion de correo electronico es ldaza. Adivina por que lo elegi...
    son demasiadas casualidades...
    Abrazos intrigados desde la capital del chocolate y el aburrimiento

  2. Interesantes coincidencias... Intrigantes también.
    Hay que seguir investigando.
