martes, agosto 18, 2009

"According to Kerouac, the circle of despair represents a belief that the experience of life is a regular series of deflections from one's goals. As one is deflected from a goal, Kerouac explains, he or she establishes a new goal from which he or she will inevitably also be deflected. To Kerouac this series of deflections does not assume the pattern of a ship's tacking into the wind, always moving forward; instead, Kerouac illustrates these deflections as a series of right-hand turns that continue until one makes a complete circle that circumscribes as unknowable thing that is central to... existence. Attempts to avoid the circle of despair will end in failure, Kerouac contends, for the straight line will take you only to death"
(The straight line will take you only to death, Joshua Kupetz)

O, lo que es lo mismo, el fracaso como modo primordial de conocerse a uno mismo y descubrir qué es aquello que más se desea ser circunscribiéndolo en un constante viaje vital en el que los objetos de deseo van cambiando...

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